Agratin Andrej A. — Candidate of Philology, assistant at the Department of the World Literature, Pushkin State Russian Language Institute.
Research interests: theory of literature, narratology, history of Russian literature of the 19th century, Chekhov’s creativity.
Bakshi Natalia A. — Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, licentiate of Theology; Associate Professor at the Department of German Philology, Institute for Philology and History, Russian State University for the Humanities (RSUH).
Research area: german literature of 19–21th centuries, religious themes in literature, cultural transfer, cultural relations between Russia and Germany.
Dannenberg Hilary P. — Dr. of Sciences, Prof., Faculty Member of University of Trier, researcher, specialist in narrative theory.
Grimova Olga A. — Candidate of Philology, lecturer at the Department for History of Russian Literature, Theory of Literature and Criticism of the Faculty of Philology, Kuban State University (Krasnodar).
Research interests: theory of literature, history of literature of the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries (the contemporary novel).
Ermolenko Galina N. — Doctor of Philology, Professor at Literature and Journalism Department, Smolensk State University.
Research interests: narratology, history of Russian and French literatures.
Krivonos Vladislav Sh. — Doctor of Philology, Professor of Samara State Social Pedagogical University.
Research interests: Russian literature of the 19—20 centuries, historical poetics, narratology.
Milovidov Victor A. — Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Theory of Language and Translation, Tver State University.
Research interests: narratology, semiotics, theory of translation.
Milosavljevic Milić Snezana — PhD, Professor, specialist in theory of literature, methodology, narratology, theory of reading and interpretation and a number of other subjects from poststructural methodological directions of Philosophical Faculty (University of Niš, Serbia). The author of several publications (Laz Lazarevich, Novi Sad: Matitsa Serbian, 2015; Yakov Igniatovich Novi Sad: Matitsa Serbian, 2016) and monographs: Framework forms in the Serbian realistic novel (Belgrade: Chigoya stamps, 2001), Models of comments in Serbian novel of the 19 century (Nis: The Philosophical Faculty — Prosveta, 2006), The story and interpretation (Belgrade: Filip Vishyi, 2008), Reading figures (Belgrade: Glasnik Services, 2013), Resistance and overcoming: Poetics of the narrative by Bory Stankovic (Nis: Philosophical Faculty, 2013), Comparison experience: Laza Lazarevich and Simo Matavul (co-authored with Dragana Vukicevic, Nis: Philosophical Faculty, 2014), Virtual narrative: Experiences of Cognitive Narratology (2016), as well as more than one hundred scientific papers dealing with narratology and modern theories of reading in literary criticism. The number of sources embrace Serbian literature of the 19 and 20 centuries (Yakov Ignjatovich, M. Glisic, S. Matavul, S. Sremac, L. Lazarevich, B. Stanković, I. Andrich), works of contemporary Serbian writers (M. Pavic, G. Petrovich, R. Stoyanovich) and writers of European modernism (A. P. Chekhov and Guy de Maupassant).
Muravieva Larissa E. — lecturer at the Department of Literature and Intercultural Communication of National Research University – Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod.
Research interests: narratology, literary semiotics, Romance languages, theory of literature, French theory and critics of 20th century.
Pier John — Professor of English at the Université François-Rabelais de Tours and co-director of the seminar “Narratologies contemporaines” at the Centre for Research on the Arts and Language (CRAL) at the National Centre for Scientific Research in Paris. He has published numerous articles on narratology and literary semiotics. Among the books he has edited or co-edited are Métalepses. Entorses au pacte de la représentation (2005), Théorie du récit. L’apport de la recherche allemande (2007), Theorizing Narrativity (2008). Co-editor of the Handbook of Narratology (2009), he is also a member of the steering committee of the European Narratology Network (ENN).
Schmid Wolf — Dr. Dr. h.c., professor of Slavic Literatures (in particular, the Russian and Czech literature) at the University of Hamburg, Germany (emeritus since 2009). He was the founder of the Narratology Research Group, director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Narratology at the University of Hamburg, and chairman of the European Narratology Network. Co-editor of the Handbook of Narratology (Berlin; New York: De Gruyter, 2009). Slavic scientist, author of the monographs of Russian literature of the 19th century.
Scholz Nora — PhD, a teacher of Slavic studies at the University of Ludwig Maximilian, Munich, Germany. Research interests: narratology, Nabokov’s work, modern Russian and South Slavic literature.
Sklyarov Oleg N. — Doctor of Philology, Professor of History and Theory of Literature of St. Tikhon Orthodox Humanitarian University; Professor of Literary Theory Department of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The Author of two Books about Neotraditionalism in non-classical Russian Literature. Research interests: literary theory, the typology of artistic consciousness, non-classical poetics, Russian literature of the 20th century, modern literary process.
Sokruta Ekaterina Yu. — Candidate of Philology, doctoral candidate of Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Research area: theoretical poetics, autopoetics, narratology, dialogic philosophy, comparative studies, contemporary European novel.
Tiupa Valerij I. — Doctor of Philology, professor, head of the Department for Theoretical and Historical Poetics, Institute for Philology and History, Russian State University for the Humanities. The author of numerous books and articles on theoretical poetics, historical poetics, historical aesthetics, rhetoric, narratology.